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PC-ACE user guide section 5
Last Modified: 1/2/2025
Location: FL, PR, USVI
Business: Part A, Part B
Roster billing is available for Part B providers that bill for influenza, pneumonia, COVID-19, and Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) infusion vaccines. In the Professional Claims Menu, there is an option on the toolbar labeled Roster.
Click on New Roster Billing to bring up the screen.
1. Right click on Payer ID and Provider ID and make the appropriate selections. Note: For group practices, you will select the individual/rendering physician and the system will pull the group National Provider Identifier (NPI) into the claim file during the Generate step.
2. Enter the Service Date. When this is done, the Patient Control Number fields will automatically populate.
3. Right click on Type and select “I” for Influenza, "V" for COVID-19, or “P” for Pneumococcal Pneumonia and mAb infusion, then right click on HCPCS and select the procedure code.
4. Right click on POS and select the appropriate place of service.
Note: The facility information must be entered in the Extended Roster Info tab.
5. Tab to Vaccine Chg and enter the appropriate vaccine charge amount.
6. Tab to Admin Chg and enter the appropriate administration charge amount.
7. Tab down to LN 1 and right-click on Insured’s ID to select a patient. Continue adding lines as appropriate.
8. When finished, click Save. A confirmation screen will appear.
9. Click appropriate button. If Yes is selected, the following screen will appear. If No is selected, proceed to step 16.
10. Click Generate.
11. Click OK on the Confirm screen.
12. Click OK on the Information screen.
13. Close the Professional Roster Claim Generation window.
14. Process the claim(s). Once the claims are processed clean (No Errors) successfully, then close the Automated Claim Processing window.
Note: If claims are processed with errors, the claims must be corrected in the Claim List prior to preparation.
15. Close the window. Prepare the claim(s) for transmission.
16. If No was selected in Step 9, the claims will be placed in a hold location. To access them later, click Roster on the toolbar of the Professional Claims Menu. Then select Maintain Roster Billing to open the list to perform appropriate actions of the claim information.
COVID vaccines
Logic has been added in PC-ACE Roster Billing for all COVID-19 vaccine codes to NOT populate ANY administration codes while generating the claim from the Roster Billing Form.
When a COVID-19 vaccination code is selected in the Roster Billing, a single-line claim will be created containing only the vaccine code.
Once the roster claims are generated, the appropriate Administration Code must be added to the professional claim form, if necessary.
More information on COVID-19 billing is available on our website in the
COVID-19 information section.
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