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Provider enrollment revalidation

Modified: 5/15/2024
Find out whether you have been sent a revalidation request by using this search option featured on First Coast’s popular enrollment status lookup. You may search for revalidation requests by clicking the Revalidation letter tab and entering your NPI or your PTAN.
Modified: 3/19/2024
At some point, all Medicare providers/suppliers will be asked to revalidate Medicare enrollment information. Have you been sent a revalidation request? Not sure where to start? Avoid deactivation of Medicare payments by following these steps to complete the revalidation process.
Modified: 8/14/2024
Read this article for information on Medicare revalidation.
Modified: 5/31/2024
The CMS sample revalidation letters offer providers the opportunity to see what they can expect to receive when it is time for revalidation or if they didn’t respond to a revalidation request.
Modified: 5/24/2024
The CMS sample revalidation letters offers providers the opportunity to see what they can expect to receive when it is time for them to revalidate. Access the Stopping billing privileges letter to be prepared for your revalidation.
Modified: 5/18/2024
Providers due for revalidation will display a revalidation due date; all those not up for revalidation will display "TBD" in the due date field. The due date will be posted up to six months in advance to provide sufficient time for the provider to comply. A crosswalk to the organizations to which the individual provider reassigns benefits will also be available.
Modified: 4/16/2024
Please review this article to learn how you can locate revalidation due dates provided by CMS.
Modified: 4/3/2024
Here is more information about Section 6401 (a) of the Affordable Care Act that established a requirement for all enrolled providers and suppliers to revalidate their enrollment information under new enrollment screening criteria.
Modified: 3/21/2024
The CMS sample revalidation letter offers providers the opportunity to see what they can expect to receive when it is time for them to revalidate. Access this sample to be prepared for your revalidation. Do not use this to submit your revalidation early as this will lead to the application being returned.
Modified: 2/23/2024
The CMS sample revalidation letters offers providers the opportunity to see what they can expect to receive when it is time for them to revalidate. Access the Revalidation request letter to be prepared for your revalidation.
First Coast Service Options (First Coast) strives to ensure that the information available on our provider website is accurate, detailed, and current. Therefore, this is a dynamic site and its content changes daily. It is best to access the site to ensure you have the most current information rather than printing articles or forms that may become obsolete without notice.