Title |
Line of Business |
Description |
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CEUs |
Part B |
The Modifier of the Month workshop series describes commonly used modifiers and outlines common billing scenarios for utilization. For non-evaluation and management services, modifiers 59 and X(E,S,U,P) are used to identify distinct procedures or services not normally reported together when performed on the same day. During this webinar, we will define each modifier, explore common scenarios for use and review applicable supporting documentation requirements. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This course will emphasize the importance of accurate reporting of place of service (POS) codes on your claims to ensure appropriate Medicare reimbursement. We will define the most commonly used POS codes, identify resources to assist in determining the correct code to use and lastly provide options for how to correct claims when an incorrect POS code is reported. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventive service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventive service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A |
Begin the year with our credit balance reporting course that will highlight all the fundamentals when completing the report each quarter. We will discuss how to complete and submit the report, report requirements, and important due dates to assist your facility in meeting reporting requirements. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
Claims for repeat services can deny as duplicate claims if submitted without differentiating the services with proper modifiers. We'll provide guidance on submitting claims with modifiers 76, 77 and 91 to demonstrate repeat services and required supporting documentation. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
When submitting claims for procedures performed unilaterally or bilaterally during the same operative session, the proper modifier(s) should be applied to your claim lines. This course will demonstrate how to differentiate between using anatomical modifiers or modifier 50. We'll review appropriate use of these modifiers using relative claims and appeals examples. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This course is a review of the most recent Medicare updates and typically contains a wide variety of topics which include, but are not limited to, MAC initiatives, CMS initiatives, quarterly and annual updates, as well as preventative service reminders. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
Claims for increased procedural services, reduced services and discontinued procedures should have supporting documentation to avoid claim denials and future appeals. With this course, we'll provide guidance on properly submitting claims with documentation when applying modifiers 22, 52 and 53. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
Stay connected with Medicare Part B by attending the Part B Post-pay Workshop series. This webinar will provide an overview of the Part B appeals process including the different levels of appeal and submission timeframes, clarification of non-appealable claims, and appeal status. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
Stay connected with Medicare Part B by attending the Part B Post-pay Workshop series. This webinar will review the stages of the Part B financial process after claims are submitted to Medicare, including claim processing and adjudication. We'll outline how to identify claim status, define the fields on the Medicare remittance advice (RA) and demonstrate how to successfully use this resource to monitor claims processing outcomes to reconcile patient accounts. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
For non-evaluation and management services, modifiers 59 & X{EPSU} are used to identify distinct procedures or services not normally reported together when performed on the same day. As these modifiers are often used incorrectly, we'll explore the proper use of these modifiers, common scenarios, and supporting documentation requirements. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This Part B provider course in our Medicare secondary payer (MSP) series will begin with a brief overview of the MSP program provisions and how to identify patient eligibility. We will progress to step-by-step guidance on claim completion and submission and conclude with interactive billing scenarios. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A |
Stay connected with Part A Medicare billing by attending the Part A Post Payment Workshop series. This webinar will review the various stages of the Part A financial process after claims are submitted to Medicare, including claim processing and finalization. We will outline how to identify claim status, define the various fields on the Medicare remittance advice (RA) and demonstrate how to successfully use this resource to monitor claims processing outcomes to reconcile accounts and receivables. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
This course will focus on reporting the correct place of service (POS) codes on your Medicare claims to ensure appropriate reimbursement amounts are issued. We define the most commonly used codes and review how to use them. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
Medicare covers medically necessary dermatology services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of certain skin conditions. Join this session to review the Medicare coverage, billing and documentation requirements of services provided by dermatologists. We will conclude with an overview of recent medical review findings and identify resources to assist in preventing improper payment errors. |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part B |
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a report indicating Medicare improperly paid physicians for co-surgery and assistant-at-surgery services were billed without the appropriate payment modifiers. Medicare makes a reduced payment to physicians who work together to perform a surgical procedure on the same patient during the same operative session. This course will explore the co-surgeon and surgical assistance modifiers (62, AS, 80, 82), and review the documentation requirements and various scenarios when these modifiers should be used |
Webinar |
Self-paced |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
Description: The paperwork segment of an electronic claim submission is commonly known as PWK. The PWK process allows you to utilize the cost-effective electronic data interchange technology and if you choose to submit paper documentation at the time of the claim submission. This video will give you a brief demonstration about the PWK segment. |
Video |
0:03:50 |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
View this video for more information about the electronic transactions, your requirements for billing electronically, and the free software available for you. |
Video |
0:09:10 |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
View this video for more information about the electronic transactions, your requirements for billing electronically, and the free software available for you. |
Video |
0:06:56 |
0 |
Part B |
Learn about enrollment and documentation requirements for providers ordering or referring services and claim requirements for providers performing and billing for services. |
Video |
0:08:10 |
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Part B |
Learn about enrollment and documentation requirements for providers ordering or referring services and claim requirements for providers performing and billing for services. |
Video |
0:05:38 |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
Before submitting an appeal on a Medicare claim, you first want to make sure that a claim determination, or decision, was made of either paid or denied. We often see providers incorrectly appealing a claim returned to provider for correction. This video covers how you can identify when a claim is eligible for an appeal. |
Video |
00:02:51 |
0 |
Part A and Part B |
This video will help you understand the overpayment process, your responsibilities to pay the money back money, and what to do if you disagree with an overpayment decision. |
Video |
00:10:47 |
0 |