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First Coast POE-AG charter -- Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A
Last Modified: 4/10/2024
Location: FL, PR, USVI
Business: Part A
The primary function of the Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A POE-AG is to assist First Coast in its creation, implementation, and review of provider education strategies and efforts. First Coast will use this group as a consultant resource; not as an approval or sanctioning authority. This group operates independently from other First Coast advisory committees or groups.
First Coast will not reimburse or charge a fee to group members for membership or for costs associated with serving on the Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A POE-AG. First Coast will consider the suggestions and recommendations of the group, and implement those deemed feasible, practicable, and in the best interest of its overall Provider Customer Service Program (PCSP). In the interest of maintaining a working relationship, First Coast will explain to the group reasons for not implementing or adopting group suggestions or recommendations.
First Coast will distribute agendas prior to all meetings. First Coast will also distribute meeting minutes to all group members within a reasonable period of time after each meeting.
Members should be:
• Representative of professional and geographic diversity, including urban and rural providers; and
• Representative of major provider specialties or provider institutions in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Members of the Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A POE-AG represent not only the individual provider with which they are associated but interests of providers across the state of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with the goal of helping First Coast to make educational tools and products available that are easy to access, use, and integrate into their daily operations.
In order to provide constructive feedback on First Coast’s existing educational tools and resources, members are expected to use the various educational tools and resources First Coast makes available to all Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Medicare providers, including participation in scheduled events, and navigation of First Coast’s Medicare provider website on a frequent basis. These will enable members to offer recommended enhancements or improvements.
• Provide input and feedback on training topics, provider education materials, and dates and locations of provider education workshops and events;
• Identify significant provider education issues;
• Recommend effective means of information dissemination to all appropriate Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands providers and their staff members;
• Serve as active participant in scheduled meetings;
• Respond to First Coast’s periodic requests for feedback, typically through short questionnaires and surveys; and
First Coast’s Provider Outreach and Education team manages the members and activities of the Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A POE-AG. These include:
• Solicit and manage group membership;
• Develop schedule for contract year meetings after soliciting input from membership;
• Arrange a minimum of three meetings each contract year (CY), including logistics, agendas, and minutes; and
• House POE-AG membership on First Coast’s Medicare provider website, including minutes from meetings, upcoming meeting dates and locations (if held as in-person meeting), list of organizations or entities comprising the Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Part A POE-AG, and an email address for First Coast’s main point of contact for information on the group.
• Members’ practice and billing patterns should not demonstrate they are significantly aberrant from peers in the same specialty or provider type;
• Members must not be the subject of an active investigation by law enforcement agency;
• Members must not be the subject of a Medicare administrative contractor fraud referral to law enforcement for investigation/prosecution, and
• Members must participate in at least two meetings per year.
The above requirements will be verified prior to acceptance of new members. If existing members, at some point, do not meet the criteria, they will be temporarily or permanently removed.
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