Last Modified: 3/7/2024
Location: FL, PR, USVI
Business: Part A, Part B
There are multiple different effective dates within a provider enrollment file. There is a distinct difference between a Medicare effective date and effective date of change.
When initially enrolling in Medicare, a provider transaction access number (PTAN) or CMS certification number (CCN) will be issued a Medicare effective date. The Medicare effective date is the original effective date of the PTAN or CCN.
When submitting a change of information application, certain sections of the provider enrollment application will ask for an effective date of change. The effective date of change should be the date the change took place. An effective date of change will not impact the PTAN/CCN original Medicare effective date for the PTAN/CCN associated with the practice location.

For example, you need to submit a change of information application to update your correspondence address. You must mark change and provide the effective date of change. The effective date of change is the date the change took place. Say your correspondence address changed on October 1, you will provide 10/01/2023 in the effective date field. Finish by providing all required information for that section. The effective date of change allows us the ability to capture the exact date a change took place on your enrollment file. Again, the effective date of change will not influence your originally assigned Medicare effective date for the PTAN/CCN.
There are a few situations where you should not provide the change effective date. Instead provide your original effective date:
• Changes in title for ownership interest and/or managing control (Section 6)
• Changes to a billing agency's phone number, email, and/or fax number
• Practice location changes:
• Updates to the practice location name, phone, email, or fax
• Updates to abbreviation or punctuation for practice locations
• Additions to a practice location (e.g., adding a location type)
Note: If your organization is going through a change of ownership (CHOW), merger, or consolidation, the effective date of each practice location should reflect the date the location was established and not the date of sale.
When completing a change of information on PECOS, you are able to edit your current information to provide the new information. It is best practice to delete the old information and add the new information, if the information is entirely new (e.g., a practice location moving to new address). This will allow us to capture the effective date for the change. It is important for us to keep historical data, with exact effective dates of change, on enrollment files.
First Coast Service Options (First Coast) strives to ensure that the information available on our provider website is accurate, detailed, and current. Therefore, this is a dynamic site and its content changes daily. It is best to access the site to ensure you have the most current information rather than printing articles or forms that may become obsolete without notice.