Last Modified: 12/4/2024
Location: FL, PR, USVI
Business: Part A
Q: What steps can I take to avoid return to provider (RTP) reason code(s) 32400-32404?
Click here for descriptions associated with Medicare Part A reason codes. Enter a valid reason code into the box and click the submit button.
A: Prior to submitting your claim, verify the revenue code(s) and/or HCPCS or CPT code combination is correct, complete, and/or valid (as applicable).
The following reason codes are frequently associated with this edit:
• 32400 – HCPCS/CPT code is missing
• 32401 – HCPCS/CPT code is invalid
• 32402 – HCPCS/CPT code and revenue code combination is invalid
• 32403 – HCPCS/CPT code is invalid for date(s) of service (DOS)
• 32404 – HCPCS/CPT code is invalid
Additional resources:
• Refer to our coding website page for additional guidance on
procedure codes. Learn how to research detailed claim information and coding requirements through DDE:
Claim summary inquiry (12)
Revenue codes (13)
HCPC inquiry (14)
Claim summary inquiry (12) Review detailed claim information, to identify line item(s) that resulted in the claim error.
• Open the claim and go to claim page 02 (MAP171)
• Press the ‘F2’ key and review the line item details (MAP171D)
• Review each line that failed with line item reason codes 32400-32404
Utilize the revenue code inquiry screen when you need to determine:
• Effective and termination dates (if applicable)
• Allowable type of bills (TOB)
• If a HCPCS code is required
• If a unit is required
• If a rate is required
Utilize the HCPCS inquiry screen when you need to determine:
• Effective and termination dates (if applicable)
• Allowable revenue codes
Note: When the allowable revenue codes field is blank, the system allows any revenue code for the keyed HCPCS.
Source: First Coast Education Action Team
Source: First Coast's Education Action Team
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