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Appeal tips: Documentation to include with your Part A redetermination request
Last Modified: 4/22/2024
Location: FL, PR, USVI
Business: Part A
The first level of appeal is a redetermination. Redetermination requests must include all pertinent medical documentation pertaining to the services in question. The medical record documentation must include the patient’s name and must be complete and legible. If you are making changes to the claim, include a copy of a revised UB-04 claim form. In addition, if an Advance Beneficiary Notification (ABN) or other beneficiary notice was issued, include a copy of this document.
Remember that medical record documentation must be legible. Each page of the record should identify the patient and the date. A handwritten or electronic signature and credentials should follow each record entry (stamp signatures are not acceptable). The record should be of good copy quality for review purposes.
First Coast will not routinely request additional inpatient documentation from providers who failed to submit all the necessary medical records. The redetermination will be performed based on the medical record documentation that you submitted with your initial claim and appeal request. Providers, physicians, and other suppliers are responsible for providing all the information the contractor requires to adjudicate the claim(s) at issue.
If the service being appealed was denied due to a local coverage determination (LCD), you should review the LCD policy for the documentation requirements that are necessary to support the service. The LCDs are available on First Coast’s
LCDs/Medical Affairs website page. If the service being appealed was denied due to a national coverage determination (NCD), you should review the NCD policy for the documentation requirements that are necessary to support the service. The NCDs are available on
CMS’ website 
The following list may be used as a guideline (not all-inclusive list) when submitting documentation with your redetermination request.
The following list may be used as a guideline (not all-inclusive list) when submitting documentation with your redetermination request.
• Cosmetic surgery: Surgical report, pathology report, history and physical, physician's progress notes
• Dental services: Dental surgical report, pathology report, history and physical, physician's progress notes, physician orders, and laboratory reports
• Diagnostic tests: Physician orders, history and physical, test results, e.g., X-ray reports
• Drugs (J codes): Physician orders, history and physical, medication record, nurses’ notes
• Laboratory services: Physician orders, laboratory report(s), pathology report
• Physical, occupational, and speech therapy: Physician orders, therapy evaluation and progress notes; physician certification or recertification
Skilled nursing facility (SNF) inpatient records
• Inpatient hospital
• Complete hospital records including emergency room reports, admission history and physical, physician's orders and progress notes, consultation reports, nurses' notes, medication record, laboratory and pathology reports, X-ray reports, operating room and anesthesia report, discharge summary, ABN (signed by the beneficiary), denial notification issued by the provider, billing form.
• Inpatient rehabilitation facility
• Complete hospital records including history and physical, physician's orders and progress notes, consultation reports, nurses' notes, medication record, laboratory reports, X-ray reports, therapy evaluation and progress notes, physician certification/recertification, ABN (signed by the beneficiary), billing form.
• SNF inpatient
• Hospital discharge summary, physician certification, progress notes, and orders, nurses’ notes, medication records, therapy records, if applicable, copy of the minimum data set (MDS), signed ABN and denial notification issued by the provider, if applicable.
An appeal request for a claim that was denied by medical review for lack of documentation or for insufficient documentation must be submitted with all the medical record documentation that was requested in the additional documentation request (ADR). The ADRs you receive requesting additional supporting documentation are very specific regarding the type of information that is required. Thoroughly review the ADR to be sure that all items requested in the ADR have been submitted with your appeal.
• For instructions on completing and submitting our Medicare Part A redetermination and clerical error reopening form, check out the tips and tutorials section on our
Appeals page.
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