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Last Modified: 2/16/2024 Location: FL, PR, USVI Business: Part B

Submit Part B financial documentation requests electronically

Are you using regular mail for submissions to First Coast? We have several electronic options that are easier and faster for you to use. Additionally, submitting documentation electronically:
Saves time, electronic submission eliminates mailing delays
Eliminates administrative costs, electronic submission costs nothing
Protects patient information, electronic submission is secure
Allows for the immediate confirmation of receipt, electronic submission provides transaction confirmations
Read on to find out how you can avoid the wait by submitting electronically.
What are you trying to submit?

Immediate recoupment request

The immediate recoupment process is for providers who have received an overpayment demand letter from Medicare. You may elect to have your overpayment(s) repaid through the immediate recoupment process and avoid paying by check or waiting for the standard recoupment that begins 41 days from the date of the initial demand letter.

Electronic Submission Method

Submission Instructions

Additional Resources

The fax to image option allows for documentation to be submitted directly to First Coast.
Fax responses to (904) 361-0444
For details and submission guidelines refer to Immediate Recoupment/Offset Request Form.


An ERS is an option for returning overpaid money to First Coast. Ideally, a request for an ERS should be made immediately after receiving the initial demand letter; however, an ERS can be requested at any point in time the overpayment is outstanding.

Electronic Submission Method

Submission Instructions

Additional Resources

To facilitate prompt attention to your request for an ERS, please use the appropriate link below to access a checklist of information that is required:
E-mail the documentation to
For more information, refer to Overpayment forms webpage.

Bankruptcy notification

When a provider files for bankruptcy, First Coast must be notified immediately.

Electronic Submission Method

Submission Instructions

Additional Resources

Submit a copy of the notification to
Include the following information:
Name the bankruptcy is filed under
District where the bankruptcy was filed
Docket number
For details and additional information refer to Notify First Coast Service Options if you file bankruptcy article
First Coast offers free education on the submission methods described above. Access the following to learn more:
On-Demand Learning education
Back to the Avoid the wait home page to explore more topics and options for electronic submission:
First Coast Service Options (First Coast) strives to ensure that the information available on our provider website is accurate, detailed, and current. Therefore, this is a dynamic site and its content changes daily. It is best to access the site to ensure you have the most current information rather than printing articles or forms that may become obsolete without notice.